慈悲三昧水忏-供养 OfferingTBA 22024-08-26T07:59:21+08:00 慈悲三昧水忏●供养 Offering 首页 > 慈悲三昧水忏 > 供养Offering 牌位和供养项目 牌位 Tablet 总坛功德主 Grand Tablet RM 3000● 超度大牌位6个 (每个莲位可以填写不超过两(2)位先人姓名。)For The Departed (6 tablets-Up to TWO (2) ancestor names may be registered for each Tablet.)● 合家消灾延寿药师坛牌位1个Blessing for Protection & Longevity (1 tablet-Individual/Family). 总坛副功德主 C0-Grand Tablet RM 2000● 超度大牌位4个 (每个莲位可以填写不超过两(2)位先人姓名。) For The Departed (4 tablets-Up to TWO (2) ancestor names may be registered for each Tablet.)● 合家消灾延寿药师坛牌位1个Blessing for Protection & Longevity (1 tablet-Individual/Family). 法喜功德主 Joyous Tablet RM 1000● 超度大牌位2个 (每个莲位可以填写不超过两(2)位先人姓名。)For The Departed (2 tablets-Up to TWO (2) ancestor names may be registered for each Tablet.)● 合家消灾延寿药师坛牌位1个Blessing for Protection & Longevity (1 tablet-Individual/Family). 为防止填错资料或任何疑问,欢迎致电询问09-622 2826或点击以下法会表格进行下载,WhatsApp 致011-59866793不便之处,敬请见谅。 感恩。 普通牌位 Ordinary Tablet RM 20 ● 超度历代祖先 TABLETS FOR ANCESTORS ● 超度往生莲位 TABLETS FOR THE DEPARTED ● 超度无缘子女牌位 INFANT TABLETS ● 地基主 RESIDENCE SPIRIT ● 超度宠物牌位 PET SPIRITS TABLETS 消灾牌位 Tablets for Dispelling Calamities RM 20 ● 超度累劫冤亲債主 KARMIC CREDITORS● 超度无主孤魂 WANDERINGS SPIRITS● 超度有意无意杀害之众生 REPENTANCE FOR ANY KILLING 供养 Offering 消灾延寿药师坛 Blessing for Protection & Longevity ●消灾延寿药师坛牌位 Blessing for Protection & Longevity Tablet RM 200 ●药师吉祥灯 Medicine Buddha Auspicious Lamp RM 20 供欢喜斋 Auspicious Offering●大斋主 Prosperity Donor RM 1000 赠合家消灾延寿药师坛牌位1个。Special Giveaways Blessing for Protection & Longevity (1 tablet-Individual/Family).●吉祥斋主 Auspicious Donor RM 600 ●如意斋主 Meritorious Donor RM 300●法喜斋主Joyous Donor RM 200 ●菩提斋主Bodhi Donor RM 100●随缘乐捐 Any Amount 诚邀十方善信踊跃报名参加,随众礼忏,同沾法益。有任何疑问,欢迎联系本会。截止日期为2024年8月25日,下午5时(GMT+8)。 秘书办事处 09-622 2826 WhatsApp 011-5986 6793 (仅限 Only for WhatsApp) Terms & conditions apply. Terengganu Buddhist Association reserved the rights to change the terms & conditions anytime.凡是在登嘉楼佛教会网页报名的公众必须遵守本会的条规与条件。本会有权随时更改或增删之。 所筹得之款项作为登嘉楼佛教会活动基金。To raise fund for TBA activities.