申请成为永久会员TBA 22022-05-30T14:17:48+08:00 申请成为永久会员 首页 >加入我们> 成为永久会员 姓名 Name 身份证号码 NRIC No. 性别 Gender —Please choose an option—男 Male女 Female 出生日期 D.O.B 出生地点 Place Of Birth 职业 Occupation 任职公司 Employer Name 联络资料 Contact Information Address 皈依见证师 Dharma Master 皈依法名 Dharma Name 皈依日期 Date 上传个人护照尺码照片一张 Upload a passport size photo 务必将存入收据上传,以作记录。Please upload the transaction slip for record purpose. 户口名字 Account Name: Terengganu Buddhist Association 银行 Bank : Public Bank 账号 Account No.: 4009480218 注明: TBA life Member 本人兹欲申请加入贵会为会员,并愿遵循佛教教义及会章程等。 I wish to enrol as a member of Terengganu Buddhist Association, and also agreed to be bound by its Rules & Regulation填写申请会员集体意外保险保单 Fill in application form for Member Group P.A Insurance是否同意申请会员集体意外保险保单 Member Group P.A. Insurance —Please choose an option—同意 Agree不同意 Disagree 会员集体意外保险-受益人资料 Member Group P.A. Insurance - Beneficiary Information 谨此声明,本人所填写之资料全部属实。I hereby confirmed, all the particulars I had fill in to be true. Special Remarks for P.A Insurance i. Warranted that persons to be insured are: a) in normal health and free from any physical deformity: b) between the ages of 18 years to a maximum of 79 years. ii. Warranted that cover is made on named basis. iii. Cover is granted on the assumption that all persons to be covered are registered member of Terengganu Buddhist Association. iv. The Policy is subject to the Laws of Malaysia and any provision of the Policy which is in conflict is hereby amended to conform to the minimum requirement of such laws (or as amended from time to time). Back